Our deepest calling is to grow into our own authentic self-hood, whether or not it conforms to some image of who we ought to be. As we do so, we will not only find the joy that every human being seeks–we will also find our path of authentic service in the world. Parker Palmer
I find joy in being a catalyst that brings people, process and technology together to create positive outcomes that benefit individuals, teams, families, and organizations. As a leader, I create communities where others feel a sense of belonging and are encouraged to contribute their gifts for the benefit of all.
I help establish and sustain environments and systems so our shared visions are realized. I bring optimism and hope to situations to ensure we face opportunities and issues within the larger context and from a sense of abundance.
With humbleness and grace, I strive to be a servant leader that develops leadership capabilities in others while continuing to develop myself. I work to provide the space and light for others so that we can learn, find joy in what we do, and be successful, whatever that may look like for each of us.
I’m dedicated to serving, leading, and developing communities that I find myself a part of as I continue my servant leadership journey.
I’d love to hear from you. I can be reached through this email address: jjones21@zagmail.gonzaga.edu. Peace be with you!